The TARA Group LLC – Privacy Policy

Effective Date: October 1, 2024


The TARA Group LLC (“TARA” or “we”) operates this website to provide our clients with data to improve their ability to reach advocates and customers. Using state-of-the-art data analytics and communication technologies, TARA is dedicated to finding new pathways for growth, driving sales, engaging audiences, and advertising effectively. We provide the insights an organization needs to solve some of its biggest challenges. We then see those solutions through from start to finish with a full-service approach that covers everything from data enhancement, polling, and advertising to message testing, data visualization, engagement, and more. TARA respects the privacy of every individual about whom we provide information. We offer our clients information management services and information products to help with targeted communications and opinion research. When TARA provides information products to our clients, we adhere to the information practices described in this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”).


This Privacy Policy covers our website ( and any tools, data, or resources related to or linked to this website (“Services”). We review this Privacy Policy at least annually but reserve the right to update it at any time. Any change will become effective when posted to our website. Your continued use of the TARA website, our products, or our services will act as your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and any update made to it.

Information We Collect

Most information gathered by TARA is not done via this or any other TARA website. Most TARA data is collected from outside sources, including but not limited to data service providers, data vendors, publicly available data, and governmental agencies and regulatory bodies. This Privacy Policy addresses information from all outside sources and any information collected from this website.

Personal Information We Collect and Hold About You

TARA is the sole and exclusive owner of any material or data on this site. TARA’s information products help our clients (a wide variety of public-facing organizations, membership organizations, researchers, data compilers, and suppliers) manage, use, and optimize data, and assist them in identifying and reaching relevant audiences. TARA brings information products and services to market through analytics, polling services, communications services, data enhancement services, and strategic consulting. Each product or service contains only the information needed for its intended use. Each of TARA’s information products is designed for specific use by our clients who have a legitimate need for it.

Categories of Personal Information Collected

  • Identifiers: Name (first, last, and maiden name), home address or other physical address, email address(es), telephone number(s), device identification information used to access websites, information collected passively via cookies and similar technology, IP addresses, and application identifiers.
  • Categories of Sensitive Personal Information: Date of birth, other consumer-based information.
  • Personal Information Categories Listed in the California Customer Records Statute: Name, signature, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information.
  • Protected Classifications Categories Under California or US Law: Ethnicity, race, ethnicity, religion, sex/gender, gender identity, marital status, military or veteran status, national origin, and ancestry; age.
  • Internet or Other Similar Electronic Network Activity: Information from TARA’s internal systems and web properties, any visitor to our website, and information provided by a visitor’s web browser.
  • Geolocation Data: Information collected from clients, web cookies and other similar technology, telecommunication providers, data providers, and marketing companies.
  • Professional or Employment-Related Information: Clients using our website to obtain services, visitors to our website, data compilers, and consumer data companies.
  • Education Information: Clients using our website to obtain services, visitors to our website, data compilers, consumer data companies, other authorized data sources, public records, and voluntary survey information.

Use of Your Information

The information that TARA makes available to our clients is used for many purposes, including but not limited to enhancing customer and client files and providing lists for activities such as prospecting, marketing, advocacy, voting, and fundraising. Examples of the ways your information is used for business purposes include:

  • Targeting, delivering, and optimizing direct outreach campaigns through the mail, phone, in-person, and email; and media campaigns through digital, broadcast, print, earned, and out-of-home channels.
  • Improving marketing products by introducing new communication tools.
  • Assisting clients in measuring the effectiveness of ad campaigns.
  • Creating data and identity linkages to match common identities across different data sources.
  • Creating inference models about people, households, postal addresses, or unique online identifiers.
  • Cross-channel marketing.
  • Authenticating users for our products and services.
  • Population research and analytics.

Sharing and Disclosure of Your Information

TARA may disclose your information for use by qualified companies, non-profit organizations, associations, and political organizations in marketing, customer service, constituent service, outreach programs, and fundraising. Our client and supplier contracts require that any data sent to us be legally obtained for the uses to which it will be put. Additionally, we require that our client’s usage of any data received from us comply with applicable data protection laws and industry best practices. We also agree to comply with information providers’ restrictions on the data we receive. Our clients’ information is the sole property of our clients, and the rights we have concerning our clients’ information are the rights they grant to us. We use and share personal information that our clients share with us in the manner requested or authorized by our clients consistent with the restrictions placed on that information.

Security, Retention, and Data Integrity

TARA follows accepted standards and maintains physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to protect personal data. TARA continually monitors access to its systems to detect unauthorized attempts to gain access to information. We may retain your information for as long as our client accounts are active or as needed to provide services, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Rights of Consumers

Consumers have the right to know, access, correct, delete, and opt out of the sale of personal information. You can submit a request using our web form at or call us at 1-888-555-2345. State laws allow consumers to use authorized agents to submit requests to TARA on their behalf. If you have elected to use an authorized agent or if you are an authorized agent who would like to submit requests on behalf of a consumer, please follow the instructions in our Privacy Policy for verification and documentation requirements.

Children Under the Age of Eighteen

We do not collect personal information from any person we know to be under the age of 18 and will delete any personal information collected that we later know to be from a person under the age of 18. Our products and services are not targeted at people under 18 years of age. If you believe a child under the age of 18 has disclosed personal information to us, please contact us at and specify the customer and information you believe to be from a child under 18.

Opt-Out Preference Signals

In certain states, consumers may opt out of personal information sales, sharing, and targeted advertising by broadcasting an Opt-Out Preference Signal, such as the Global Privacy Control (GPC), on browsers and/or extensions supporting such a signal. TARA currently does not take any action in response to these signals.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns about TARA’s privacy policy or practices, contact us at:

The TARA Group LLC
Compliance Department